KS Lawmakers Override Gov’s Veto On Bathroom Bill

The Topeka Capital-Journal reports:

Kansas lawmakers enacted Thursday a sweeping anti-transgender rights bill that could require transgender individuals to use public facilities in almost every facet of society that align with their sex assigned at birth, raising the likelihood of lawsuits and questions about how the measure will be enforced.

Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed Senate Bill 180 earlier this month, but legislators narrowly overrode her action, with a Republican lawmaker, Rep. Jesse Borjon of Topeka, flipping his vote after over an hour-and-a-half of debate to put supporters over the top.

The proposal would strictly define male or female in state law so as to exclude transgender individuals and says the state could apply those definitions to separate sexes in bathrooms, changing rooms, domestic violence shelters, state prisons and other public facilities.

Read the full article. Photo: Rep. Renee Erickson, sponsor. Erickson last appeared on JMG when she boasted about flouting COVID protocols and introduced bills seeking to strip the governor of such powers.