Fox Host Lies That Biden Laughed At Fentanyl Victims

“You know what is remarkable about all of this, and I don’t mean in a good way, is how the president of the United States responded to your testimony that millions of people across the country with our hearts, with our spirits, who were right there with you, watched.

“President Biden for a moment discussed your family’s tragedy. He laughed at that. We have had people coming across that border drug cartels for quite some time. It has become a historic problem now. What do you say to the president of the United States?” ” – Fox News daytime host Harris Faulkner.

Biden, as Faulkner knows very fucking well, was mocking MTG’s shameless lie that those two died during his administration, when in fact it happened when Trump was in office. As you’ll see in the clip, Harris goaded that mother into demanding an apology from Biden.