Cardinals Demand Trial For Pro-Gay German Bishops

Fox News reports:

Leaders of the Catholic Church in Germany must be punished for breaking from the Vatican and approving blessings for same-sex marriages, two cardinals say. Cardinal Raymond Burke of the United States and Cardinal Gerhard Müller of Germany spoke about the de facto schism underway in Germany during an interview with EWTN.

“Whether it’s a departure, heretical teaching and denial of one of the doctrines of the faith — or apostasy in the sense of simply walking away from Christ and from His teaching in the Church to embrace some other form of religion — these are crimes,” said Burke.

“There must be a trial, and they must be sentenced, and they must be removed from their office if they are not converting themselves, and they are not accepting the Catholic doctrine,” said Müller.

Read the full article. Burke last appeared on JMG in October 2021 when he spearheaded the ultimately failed campaign to deny communion to President Biden over his support for abortion rights. In August 2021, Burke, who is anti-vax, was placed on a ventilator for COVID and now reportedly suffers long-haul symptoms.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Cardinal Burke declares that Biden isn’t a real Catholic. Cardinal Burke declares that “those suffering from the homosexual condition” should have no right to “form families.” Cardinal Burke declares that Ireland is now “worse than the pagans” for voting to legalize same-sex marriage. Burke says he would deny communion to pro-gay legislators. Burke gets demoted from Vatican post after clashing with Pope Francis. Burke says families should not expose their children to their evil gay relatives.