Lawyer Argues That Fetus Of Florida Woman Jailed On 2022 Murder Charge Is An “Illegally Detained Person”

The Guardian reports:

A lawyer’s attempt to have his pregnant client released from jail ahead of trial by arguing that her fetus has been subject to “unlawful and illegal detention” could have profound consequences for the rights of women in Florida. Attorney William M Norris filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of the “unborn child” of Natalia Harrell in Florida’s third district court of appeal.

Harrell, 24, was six weeks pregnant when she was arrested on 26 July 2022 and charged in connection with the death of Gladys Yvette Borcela during an argument in an Uber on 23 July. Norris did not respond to requests for comment from the Guardian, but in interviews with other media outlets, his rhetoric has echoed that of the “fetal personhood” movement, which seeks to grant constitutional legal protection to fetuses and embryos.

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