Homocon Richard Grenell: Michigan’s Governor Should Be Impeached For Crying Over Slaughter Of Students

“Look, you had Congresswoman Slotkin in tears. You had Governor Gretchen Whitmer in tears. Both of them completely emotional, off the rails going to a far-left progressive idea that somehow they and government must act to protect our kids.

“First of all, the problem that I have is raising the bar and telling everybody that government, somehow, is going to absolutely protect kids is shameful because that cannot happen. Government can do a whole bunch of things like put cops and security guards on every single campus.

“Whether it’s a college campus, a university or an elementary school, we should be protecting our kids. Why isn’t Governor Whitmer taking this seriously?

“She’s out there crying about the fact that we’re not protecting kids, yet telling people that the only way to protect kids is to take away guns when she has the ability to put armed guards at every single school, including Michigan State.

“She should be impeached for being way too emotional and unable to really look at issues to solve issues. She’s out there crying at a press conference instead of doing good work.” – Homocon Richard Grenell, speaking on Newsmax.