Brad Palumbo writes for the Washington Examiner:
Something very strange is going on with the Log Cabin Republicans. The group of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Republicans has long advocated tolerance and inclusion within the GOP. But it’s now teaming up with a self-described “homophobic” troll. This is bizarre for several reasons, chief among them the fact that Isabella Moody is not lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. But, more importantly, she’s actively anti-gay and openly works against gay acceptance on the Right.
The only conceivable explanation I can come up with is that they’re doing this for attention. For a pro-gay nonprofit organization to align with, promote, and (presumably) pay an openly homophobic influencer is to betray its mission and, frankly, its donors. As a result, it’s not going to be taken seriously again any time soon. And that’s a serious shame. But it’s sad to watch an important institution light its credibility on fire in public simply for five seconds of online attention.
Read the full article. My original post on Moody is here.
Gay GOP group lights its credibility on fire with bizarre move
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) February 20, 2023
@LogCabinGOP used to be known merely for plodding obeisance to traditional right wing ideals while also supporting LGBTQ rights. Now they’re a bunch of shrill clout chasing shitposting edgelords eagerly advocating against their own people. #Quislings
— JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) February 15, 2023
Meet Isabella Riley Moody, a new “Outspoken Ambassador” for the Log Cabin Republicans. Here she is *yesterday* ranting that “our society literally puts fa**ots on a pedestal”: “I wish we were a homophobic society, and that’s the goddamn truth!”
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) February 15, 2023
— Isabella Riley Moody (@isabellarileyus) February 16, 2023
Isabella Riley Moody conducted a friendly interview with white nationalist Dalton Clodfelter and attempted to use jokes to downplay Clodfelter’s virulent antisemitism, even ending the interview by declaring “Heil Hitler.”
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) February 9, 2023
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