Federal Court Strikes Down Tampa’s Ex-Gay Torture Ban

Tampa’s NBC affiliate reports:

A Tampa ordinance that barred counselors from providing voluntarily therapy to minors who sought to rid their same-sex attractions was ruled unconstitutional by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.

Thursday’s ruling drew heavily from Otto v. City of Boca Raton, in which the circuit court ruled that similar bans in Palm Beach County and the City of Boca Raton were unconstitutional.

In that ruling, a judge refuted the term “conversion therapy” as “made-up,” and said that activists and the media frequently use it, though it is not fully accurate. As such, the court ruled that the ordinance seeking to regulate counselors’ efforts was a statewide concern and beyond the authority of local governments.

From hate group leader Mat Staver:

The court’s recitation of many points from the testimony abolishes the false arguments used to push these dangerous laws.

In November 2019, the City of Tampa appealed the judge’s ruling that granted summary judgment to Liberty Counsel, thereby invalidating the Tampa ordinance that prohibited licensed counselors from providing voluntary talk therapy to minors seeking help to reduce or eliminate their unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity.

This is a great victory for counselors and their clients. Counselors and clients have the freedom to choose the counsel of their choice and be free of political censorship from government-mandated speech.