Staver: God Formed A Cross Over SCOTUS, Send $$$

Via email from hate group leader Mat Staver:

One year ago today, as Anita and I prepared to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court, I captured a photo of the sun breaking through the early morning clouds. As we watched the day dawn on January 18, 2022, two vibrant red beams formed the shape of a cross right over the Supreme Court building.

In just a few hours, I would enter that stately building to present oral argument regarding Boston’s censorship of the Christian flag in the case of Shurtleff v. City of Boston.

One year ago today, on January 18, 2022, I entered the Court, prepared to argue on behalf of Hal Shurtleff and Camp Constitution. As the case was called, I began my argument and never looked at my notes. Instead, I believe the Holy Spirit led the way.

Liberty Counsel fights every day, in courtrooms around America and at the U.S. Supreme Court, defending life, God’s design for marriage and the family, and religious freedom.

Our legal services are always free. Now, a special Challenge Grant has been established to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation made today. Please, help us fight for freedom in 2023!

Staver last appeared here when he claimed that incinerated fetuses are powering homes in Washington DC.