Via email from hate group leader Brian Brown:
One of the Republican Senators most responsible for the betrayal of marriage supporters is Thom Tillis of North Carolina. He heads the Wall Of Shame on this issue. We will never forget Tillis’ betrayal and intend to hold him accountable for his actions.
Thom Tillis claims to be a supporter of traditional marriage. As Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives in 2012, Tillis supported Amendment One, the North Carolina Marriage Amendment which was adopted with an overwhelming 62% of the vote.
NOM was a chief backer of the campaign along with the North Carolina Values Coalition and other allies. The definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is now enshrined in North Carolina’s state constitution.
Two years after the passage of the North Carolina Marriage Amendment, Thom Tillis sought election to the U.S. Senate. NOM supported him, as did many North Carolinians who trusted that he shared their values. Tillis won that 2014 Senate race and subsequently was reelected in 2020.
Despite claiming to support traditional marriage, there were indications in Tillis’ political career that suggest that his position may not have been completely genuine.
During the final weeks of the 2012 Amendment One Marriage Amendment campaign, Tillis told a group of students that while he expected the constitutional amendment to pass, “it will be repealed within 20 years.”
In the just-concluded Congress, Sen. Tillis was a ringleader in the effort to pass the disRespect For Marriage Act, personally lobbying Republicans Senators to join him in supporting the bill.
He offered Senators “cover” to justify their vote by helping craft a fig-leaf amendment to the bill to supposedly protect religious liberty. However, the amendment did virtually nothing that current law didn’t already do concerning religious liberty. All it did was give cover to feckless Republican Senators to claim they had protected both religious liberty and “gay rights.”
NOM is committed to continuing to fight against the disRespect For Marriage Act, including pursuing potential legal challenges to it in the courts.
We also fully intend to hold the Republicans who betrayed us accountable for their votes, including encouraging primary challenges to them.
Thom Tillis of North Carolina is at the top of that list. The sixty two percent of North Carolina voters who cast ballots for the Marriage Amendment deserve a Senator who reflects their views and values.
Please help us continue the fight for marriage and all the values we share. We would be most grateful for any financial support you can provide to help us expose the Republicans who betrayed us and prepare to hold them accountable.
The GOP senators who voted for same-sex marriage bill, which passed Senate 61-36
Susan Collins
Lisa Murkowski
Rob Portman
Mitt Romney
Thom Tillis
Roy Blunt
Cynthia Lummis
Richard Burr
Shelley Moore Capito
Dan Sullivan
Joni Ernst
Todd Young
(Warnock, Sasse and Toomey missed vote)— Manu Raju (@mkraju) November 29, 2022