Joe Rogan Sorry After Doctor Harassed For Fake Tweet

Vice News reports:

Joe Rogan has belatedly apologized after doing an entire segment about a clearly fake and intentionally absurd tweet about vaccines which was attributed to a doctor. Rogan ultimately pulled the segment from the episode where it appeared, but Dr. Natalia Solenkova, an intensive care doctor based in Florida, is still facing a deluge of harassment over the faked tweet and has made her account private.

He accused her of “having the most uncharitable view of people who didn’t get vaccinated,” including himself. “The idea that you wouldn’t be upset that you were duped into injecting actual poison… is so insane.” Even if the absurd sentiments in the tweet weren’t enough of a red flag, the tweet’s date was formatted incorrectly, and its character count was 100 over the limit allowed by the app. None of that, of course, was a deterrent for Rogan.

Read the full article.