Another action-packed year has come and gone for this here website thingy, which in a few months will mark its 19th anniversary.
In this post last year, I wrote, “I want to sincerely thank all of you, longtime JMG flying monkeys and newbies alike, for being here during what for many of us will be the most memorable year of our lives, if not also the worst. At least, let’s just hope it was the worst.”
Since then, we’ve emerged from the worst of the pandemic, hundreds of insurrectionists have been convicted, the greatly-feared red wave never happened, QAnon nutbags lost from coast to coast, and the haters screamed in impotent rage after Democrats protected same-sex marriage in a landmark (if imperfect) bill.
And while I hesitate to reference He Who Shall Not Be Named in a celebratory post, we can also enjoy that he had the most humiliatingly craptastic year of his miserable life.
So far.
All told, we can rank 2022 as much better than last year.
As I mention in this post every year, aggregating breaking news is like a homework assignment that is never done, but is always due. Per my dashboard, the past 12 months saw around 14,800 JMG posts, which seems crazy. But you all make it a lot easier with your emails, your story tips, and your participation.
I thank you all for your robust opinions and for making the JMG comments section, by far, the most lively in the entire LGBTQ blogosphere.
I’m happy to have met so many of you at our JMG meetups over the years and look forward to clinking glasses once again at some treacherous homo dive bar.
Special thanks go out as always to our nimble JMG tech support guy Jack, who springs into action at all hours when the fuckheads try to fuck with us. With the help of a few defense programs, Jack and our host kept our 2022 downtime to virtually nothing.
Lastly, I want to extend a big furry hug to all of you who hit the JMG tip jar. Digital ad rates have been cratering for years, half of the world uses ad blockers, Facebook has throttled links from the JMG page, and with the majority of you now visiting via mobile devices – well, that side of things pretty much sucks these days. But thanks to you, we’re managing to keep the lights on.
Seriously, thank you.
NOTE: Don’t panic if we have a late start tomorrow morning. As with last year, I’ve got a solid crew of eldergay homosexuals to ring in 2023 with on Zoom tonight and the vodka in the freezer is calling my name. Back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, we’d all be out until dawn at some mega-party. But these days, our backs hurt. At least I don’t need to pick out a sparkly outfit.