Shapiro: Republicans Who Vote For Marriage Bill Don’t Belong In The Party Because Gays Can’t Create Children

“If you vote in favor of the idea that society has an obligation to recognize male-male or female-female dyads, in the same way that society has an obligation to recognize male, female, you should not be in the Republican party.

 “You shouldn’t, okay? The reason I say this is not because I wish to shrink the size of the Republican party — because if the fundamental basis of human society is male, female child and you think that by passing a law you can change to that reality, you do not belong in government.

“It’s a very simple proposition. Men and men are not the same as a man and a woman who are capable of becoming one flesh and producing a child.

“This is not difficult stuff. Many Republicans will be tempted to vote for this simply to avoid the conflict. So that people don’t yell at them. ‘Oh my gosh, you’re not respecting! Love is love! The love is love argument was always bull crap.” – Ben Shapiro, on today’s podcast.