Oz To Rally At Venue That Bans Same-Sex Weddings

Jezebel reports:

Per Oz’s campaign website, the rally will take place at 7 p.m. at Ironstone Ranch on the Stone Gables Estate in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The estate—which also features the popular wedding venue, Star Barn Village—prohibits same-sex marriage due to the owner David Abel’s religious beliefs.

The venue’s website states that it “reserve[s] the right” to restrict events that aren’t “God-honoring” and don’t adhere to its “core values.” Abel, a Republican donor who maxed out donations to Pennsylvania’s Republican gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano, will also be in attendance.

Read the full article.

Jezebel reminds us that Oz recently held a fundraiser in front of Hitler’s car. Last month it was reported that Oz has scrubbed his website of his previous position against ex-gay torture. My 2019 report on the Ironstone Ranch’s ban on same-sex weddings is here. Pennsylvania is the only state in the northeast that does not have a statewide non-discrimination law.