Fox Regular: Dump Trump, “He’s Served His Purpose”

“Donald Trump transformed the Republican Party from my perspective in many ways for the better. From the policy perspective side of things, he broke open, I think, an establishment agenda that needed to be broken open, that needed to consider a lot of different possibilities and to prioritize a different list of issues than in previous years.

He’s also, I think, served his purpose in a way that I think many Republicans are satisfied with and they would prefer now to move on.

“In a generational way, they are tired of his act, they are tired of what he brings to the table, they would like to move on to his Trump-adjacent, still populist, still conservative, but less chaotic and more competent friend Ron DeSantis.

“At least, a friend until the last couple of weeks.” – The Federalist founder, Fox News regular, and Meghan McCain’s husband Ben Domenech, today on Fox.