NOM: Our Fight Against Marriage Bill Is “On The Ropes”

Via email from hate group leader Brian Brown:

Right now, there are as many as half a dozen Republican Senators working on a potential backroom deal to impose gay ‘marriage’ on the entire country by codifying it in federal law. NOM is leading the opposition to this scheme, but we are on the ropes and need your help.

Among the Republican Senators scheming to pass the gay ‘marriage’ legislation are Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Rob Portman and Thom Tillis. Their gambit is to include some fig leaf language “protecting” religious liberty in exchange for every state in the nation being forced to recognize homosexual ‘marriage.’

It is ironic that of these US Senate schemers, three come from states where voters enacted state constitutional amendments defining marriage solely as the union of one man and one woman – Utah, Ohio and North Carolina. So did voters in several dozen additional states.

Our only chance to prevent gay ‘marriage’ from being enshrined in federal law is to mobilize grassroots marriage supporters around the country. We have less than two weeks left before the midterm elections. After that, a lame duck Congress will return to Washington DC and the gay ‘marriage’ legislation will be taken up.

Please make an immediate donation to NOM to help us fight to stop the imposition of gay ‘marriage’ into federal statute. Your donation will be 100% matched thanks to a $100,000 matching fund that has been made available.