Mike Huckabee: MAGA Republicans Don’t Respond To Pollsters Because The FBI Might Arrest Them [VIDEO]

“I honestly think Republicans are gonna have a much better night than anybody predicts largely because the polling information is simply unreliable. And there’s a reason that it’s unreliable.

“Right now if you’re pro-life, if you’re Christian, if you’re a conservative, if you are a MAGA Republican, which means you just think that America’s a great country and we ought to preserve it and protect it and pass it on that way.

“If you’re one of those people, you’re kind of thinking that any given day the FBI may show up, bang your door down, and haul you in.

“If not, they may put you on a list, call you a domestic terrorist, a threat to democracy. So, conservatives simply don’t answer polls.

“So, I think we’re seeing something that really can’t be factored in.” – Mike Huckabee, last night on Sean Hannity’s show.