“Now we’re learning Pennsylvania election officials, the acting secretary of the Commonwealth, is now saying that because of state laws restricting when mail-in ballots can begin to be counted, official results for pivotal races for the US Senate and Governors’ mansion may not be available for days. For days? I never trust that. I’m telling Oz and Mastriano — if you guys are listening, you better have poll watchers in every single location. Better pay attention to that.” – Sean Hannity, on yesterday’s radio show.
Due to a law the GOP legislature refused to change, Pennsylvania cannot start counting mail-in ballots until 7 a.m. on Election Day. When the state’s top elections official said that this could mean results wouldn’t be complete for “days,” the right pounced. pic.twitter.com/dMZmds4j9k
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) October 28, 2022
Why is it only Democrat blue cities that take “days” to count their votes?
The rest of the country manages to get it done on election night. https://t.co/vAG3OjZ5xu
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 27, 2022