“Christian Nationalism” Book Makes Best-Sellers List

Via email from Gab’s CEO and founder Andrew Torba:

Thanks to your help our new book, Christian Nationalism, has dominated the Amazon best-selling charts. It is currently sitting at number 3 behind Stephen King (who has sold hundreds of millions of books in his career) and Colleen Hoover (who has sold millions of books.) With your help, you can push us to the top spot today.

Please consider purchasing a paperback copy here and leaving the book a five star review. Be sure to buy one for a friend and especially for your pastor too! It’s absolutely incredible what God is doing with this book.

We are toe-to-toe on the best-seller list with some of the most successful writers and publishers in the world. We are putting Jesus Christ first again, where He belongs.

The people who believe that the Christian Nationalism movement is merely political are missing the bigger picture. Christians are absolutely going to get active in the political discourse and we will elect Christian candidates who boldly share our values and proclaim the Kingship of Jesus Christ, but that is only a small focus of this movement.

We fully understand that the arena of politics is so corrupted and controlled by money—in particular the money of our enemies—that we know where our true focus must be.

We can and must reclaim and maintain our townships, school boards, and counties. Then our state legislatures. Then the entire nation.

In order to do so we must exit the beast system completely and build our own parallel Christian society, lying in wait for their system to collapse which is when the Godly infrastructure we have built will fill the vacuum.

We must support, start, and grow Christian-owned businesses. We must stop using the technology tools of the enemy and start building and using our own. 
Finally we must be prepared to wage a multi-generational spiritual war against the demonic anti-Christian worldviews that are dominating our culture and Western society.

Our sons will have been through the Classics, all of Greek Philosophy, the entire Bible, and know how to build things with their hands, shoot guns, grow food, hunt, fish, lift weights, and start a business by the time they are 18.

They will be fishers of men who fear and worship the King of kings and Lord of lords. They will conquer, lead, and take dominion of all nations for the glory of God.

At this writing the book is #13 on Amazon’s list.