The Christian Post reports:
One of Canada’s largest megachurches says it has substantiated sexual abuse allegations against former pastor Bruxy Cavey, including one involving a minor. Cavey, who was arrested and charged with sexual assault in June, was the former pastor of The Meeting House, which has multiple campuses across the Toronto area.
Ontario police arrested the 57-year-old on May 31 after an investigation into reports of a sexual assault that occurred while he served as the church’s primary teaching pastor from 1996 to 2021.
An update released by the church on Saturday announced that an investigation into Cavey’s conduct revealed two allegations of sexual abuse by a church leader and the third allegation of sexual misconduct involving an underage victim at the time of the alleged abuse.
Read the full article.
The Meeting House, which has 19 campuses across Ontario, recently revealed 38 sexual assault incidents by its pastors.
Cavey first appeared on JMG in March 2022 when he acknowledged having committed adultery.
As I previously reported, Cavey has a tattoo of Leviticus 19:28, which says, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.”
According to Cavey, he chose that verse as the most emblematic of how Jesus freed Christians from the laws of the Old Testament.
The Oakville megachurch embroiled in a sex abuse scandal said Saturday it has “substantiated” additional allegations against former pastor Bruxy Cavey, including one case involving a minor.
— Hamilton Spectator (@TheSpec) August 14, 2022