“They can raid the house of a former president. For those of you who don’t get it, this is a colossal step. Something they can never come back from. Like Caesar crossing the Rubicon.
“It’s not an exaggeration to say this could be the week that the American republic died. This is Trump derangement syndrome gone wild with Stalin-esque tactics being used by our own government.
“We don’t have an FBI anymore. We have the KGB. We have secret police doing the bidding of their evil masters in Washington.
“At this point, I’m not even sure why they’re bothering with a raid. They could just make up whatever dirt they wanted on Trump and the mainstream media would back them up.
“This is flat-out war. If they’re this terrified of Trump, then that should probably be a pretty clear sign that President Trump is exactly the man we want to have in office.” – OAN host Pearson Sharp, last night.
Pearson Sharp recently appeared on JMG when he claimed that Biden had ordered the bombing of a Ukraine hospital.
Before that, he appeared here when he declared that the future of America depends on millions of liberals being killed by the “deadly” COVID vaccines.
He first appeared here in December 2020 when he boasted about denying that Biden was the then president-elect.
We later heard from him when he called for executing “traitors” who deny that Trump really won the election.
Sharp’s videos were regularly posted to Trump’s official YouTube channel, back when he had one.