Kinzinger Roasts Pompeo: He Has No “Moral Center”

The Hill reports:

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) said on Friday that former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “did all of [former President] Donald Trump’s bidding” while serving in the role.

He said Pompeo did “a good job” while serving as director of the CIA but completely committed himself to Trump after he joined the Cabinet. Kinzinger said Pompeo is trying to run for president but knows he cannot attack Trump and run, so he is hoping that Trump does not run, and he can take Trump’s place.

“So, he’s trying to walk a tightrope,” he said. “That is somebody without a moral center, and he had a moral center. So, I don’t know what happened when he went off to the administration.”

Read the full article. As you can see below, Pompeo is hitting back in classic Trump style.