Mediaite reports:
During Fox & Friends, co-host Will Cain invoked comments from former President Richard Nixon that had been misinterpreted and later walked back, to give justification to Donald Trump’s claim that he has the ultimate power to declassify documents, in light of Monday’s raid.
Cain claimed that Nixon said “if a president does it, then it is not illegal,” as it related to classified information. The co-host asked, “is that not truly the standard?”
However, the quote that Cain mentioned from Nixon was said during a 1977 interview and was walked back by the former president a few months later. This statement, although Nixon attempted to clean it up afterward by arguing in a statement that no one is above the law, was viewed as an accidental admission of guilt.
Read the full article.
Nixon was right. “When the president does it, it’s not illegal”. Most specifically when it comes to classified documents.
— Will Cain (@willcain) August 14, 2022
How’d that work out for Nixon, @willcain?
— Nick LaFave (@NickLaFave) August 14, 2022
Fox host defends Trump’s handling of top secret documents: “President Nixon said, that if the president does it, that it is not illegal. Is that not truly the standard when it comes to classified documents?”
— Media Matters (@mmfa) August 14, 2022