Media Matters has the transcript:
STEVE KIRSCH (GUEST): They told — the agencies, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH said that these vaccines were safe and effective. And when I started seeing my friends die and be injured and I started looking at the data, there was no question that this vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created by man. It is a thousand times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine and that’s too unsafe for people to use.
BRIAN KILMEADE (HOST): You did your own research. What did you find was effective and what was the reaction when you put it out there?
KIRSCH: Well, what I found was that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by this vaccine and millions have been injured. And, you know, there — clearly, you are more likely to be injured or dead from the vaccine than if you were unvaccinated.
Kirsch is a multimillionaire, in part due to his invention of the optical mouse and his creation of the search engine Infoseek.
These days, however, he’s the founder of an anti-vax group that has drawn the support of notorious nutbags.
In the clip below, he goes on to hail Sen. Ron Johnson as “the only person in Congress who cares about the vaccine-injured.”