San Antonio’s ABC affiliate reports:
A 19-year-old San Antonio man was arrested after threatening a mass killing at the Student Action Summit in Florida, the FBI said. According to a federal complaint, Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez made social media posts that the FBI determined were similar to another one posted before an actual mass killing and investigators allege he was planning a copycat crime. The complaint said that Gomez threatened “revenge” on the attendees of the event that was hosted by the conservative group Turning Point USA on July 22-24.
The Daily Dot reports:
Known online by the screen names “LatinoZoomer” and “MestizoZoomer,” Velasquez has been tied by the FBI to the extremist “incel” movement. An FBI agent who interviewed Velasquez claimed that “he intended the post to evoke Elliot Rodger.” Turning Point USA has been an enemy of Fuentes and his followers after the conservative group attempted to ban them from attending their summit last year.
In 2014, Elliot Rodger killed six and injured 14 near the campus of UC Santa Barbara before killing himself. Since then he’s become a hero to some on the far-right.
Nick Fuentes and members of his “groyper army” have disrupted multiple Turning Point and CPAC events for not being extremist enough.
Nick Fuentes Key Lieutenant Arrested by FBI for Credible Mass Violence Threats Against Turning Point USA, Possession of Child Pornography on Cell Phone
Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez, 18, aka “LatinoZoomer” and “MestizoZoomer”
— An Open Secret (@AnOpenSecret) August 19, 2022
Velasquez’s alleged threat against the Student Action Summit concluded with, “SAS will be the turning point of the LatinoZoomer lore,” posting a video of himself in his car.
Images of children being sexually exploited by adults were found on his phone
— An Open Secret (@AnOpenSecret) August 19, 2022
A 19-year-old in Texas with ties to far-right figure Nick Fuentes has been charged by the FBI for planning to carry out an attack against the conservative student group Turning Point USA.
— The Daily Dot (@dailydot) August 19, 2022
Then there’s LatinoZoomer, i.e. Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez, who just graduated from Karen Wagner High School in San Antonio Texas. Under monikers like Sp*cWaffen, he regularly posts neo-Nazi content on Instagram & TikTok & clearly has some identity issues to work out.
— Ben Lorber (@BenLorber8) July 13, 2021
Before Nick Fuentes says “I don’t really know the guy”
Imma just leave this clip about Latino Zoomer here— Gone to the shop brb (@VHS_Archive) August 19, 2022
Terroristic post referenced by FBI
Nick Fuentes lieutenant Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez, 18, aka “LatinoZoomer” and “MestizoZoomer”
— An Open Secret (@AnOpenSecret) August 19, 2022