Kyle Mantyla has the transcript at Right Wing Watch:
The enemy cannot tell the truth. When liberals talk, they lie. You are on the side of Jesus Christ, or you’re on the side of the devil. You aren’t in between. You’re not an undecided.
Undecided means you have already decided, you’ve already made the decision. The court of Heaven today only recognizes the authority of the Kingdom of God.
So, every other power that is in the Earth and every other authority that exerts itself outside of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is an illegal authority.
That means it has no right to enforce what it wants to enforce. So, much of what you’re seeing today, God does not recognize. Every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus.
Barbra Streisand is going to bow at the deity of Jesus Christ. George Soros is going to bow at the name of Jesus Christ.
Joe Biden is gonna get on his little feeble knees, and he’s gonna bow at the name of the lord, Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
Nancy Pelosi will bow at the name of the lord, Jesus Christ. Every liberal Supreme Court judge will bow at the name of the lord, Jesus Christ.
He last appeared on JMG when he declared that “Christians’ children been more taken over by homosexuality,” which is a “demonic spirit after our seed.” In September 2021, he told us that God is about to send an “angelic army” to murder the leaders of every government on Earth.