Newsom Airs DeSantis Attack Ad In Florida [VIDEO]

CNN reports:

Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis aren’t just avatars for the different futures of their parties, but also for the separate realities blue and red Americans are living in — two people of opposing viewpoints looking at the exact same set of facts and coming to vastly different conclusions.

They’re both governors, rising stars and speculated soon-to-be presidential candidates, building out micro-ideological models in their sunny capitals.

Newsom now is going on the air against DeSantis in Florida — with what he says is not the first ad of the 2024, or even the 2028, presidential race — with the goal of trying to get Democrats to reclaim a sense of collective identity that could enable them to beat Trumpism in the long term.

Read the full article.

It’s a great ad. Check the rainbow flag at the end.