Librarians Are Quitting Due To Threats By Cultists

The New York Times reports:

As highly visible and politicized book bans have exploded across the country, librarians — accustomed to being seen as dedicated public servants in their communities — have found themselves on the front lines of an acrimonious culture war, with their careers and their personal reputations at risk.

They have been labeled pedophiles on social media, called out by local politicians and reported to law enforcement officials. Some librarians have quit after being harassed online. Others have been fired for refusing to remove books from circulation.

Conflicts around books have drastically escalated. Now, the Proud Boys, an extremist group, might show up at a school board meeting because books are on the agenda.

Read the full article.

The piece goes on to recount the personal stories of several librarians who have felt menaced enough to resign. Just as the cultists are doing with elections officials.