Fox Host: Electric Cars Will Turn African Kids Into Slaves

Media Matters has the transcript:

It’s too expensive, it’s too early, and it’s not going to work. As far as this guilt trip, you know, when you drill for oil, you typically put a hole in the ground, you go down and you crack a few rocks. With the fracking, you go a little deeper, maybe, for oil.

To make this utopian green energy deal a reality, for lithium you’ve got to poison waters all around the world. For cobalt, you’ve got to get seven-year-old African kids and force them to mine in dirty water and dangerous, toxic water.

For other products, you know, like the copper and other things, you’ve got to strip-mine the planet. You want to talk about ecological harm?

We are going to have to strip-mine and poison the planet, strip-mine the entire planet, poison all the waters, mostly in third-world countries, and make children in Africa de facto slaves to make Pete Buttigieg’s dream come true. Thank you very much, I can’t wait for this new, great new utopia.