Book Quotes Bannon: Trump Would Lie About Anything

The Guardian reports:

The former White House strategist Steve Bannon has publicly claimed Donald Trump does not lie. But according to a new book, Bannon told aides: “Trump would say anything, he would lie about anything.” The former president lies “to win whatever exchange he [is] having at that moment”, Bannon said.

Bannon is quoted in The Big Lie: Election Chaos, Political Opportunism, and the State of American Politics After 2020, by Jonathan Lemire, White House bureau chief for Politico and a host for MSNBC. The book will be published on 26 July. The Guardian obtained a copy.

As president, Trump was famously happy to lie. One count from the Washington Post found he did so 30,573 times in his time in power. Regardless, in 2018, Bannon made headlines by telling ABC News Trump did not lie.

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