Mediaite reports:
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is within single digits of ex-President Donald Trump in a new national poll, the closest he’s been in this or any other reputable poll — and that’s before Tuesday’s bombshell testimony.
A sample of Republican and Republican-leaning respondents to a new Yahoo! News/YouGov poll were asked “Who would you rather see as the Republican nominee for President in 2024?” and given a choice between Trump and DeSantis.
Among registered voters, 45 percent prefer Trump, while 36 percent prefer DeSantis — a nine-point difference that normally wouldn’t seem very close. But for Trump, in a reputable Republican primary poll, it’s the closest anyone has gotten.
Read the full article.
Earlier polls have shown Trump up by 30 to 40 points in head-to-head match-ups against DeSantis.
SHOCK POLL: DeSantis Within Single Digits of Trump in New National GOP Primary Survey
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) June 29, 2022