First, an op-ed from Arizona’s largest newspaper:
Just hours before the only televised debate among the Republican candidates for Arizona governor, a reporter for the state’s largest news operation has been cancelled as a moderator. It seems Kari Lake is afraid to take questions from The Arizona Republic’s Stacey Barchenger.
She doesn’t work for OAN or RSBN or even FOX (though I suppose FOX, too, has joined Lake’s ever-lengthening list of “enemy of the people” journalists, what with Brett Baier having dared to ask her this week about her experiences with one of the Valley’s best known drag queens).
Now watch the LOL clip. It goes something like this: “I pledge allegiance to the United States, the United States of America, to the republic which it stands, one nation under God, in the beautiful, with liberty to the shish for all.”
At the big AZ Republican event tonight with Kari Lake, Mark Finchem, Wendy Rogers and a host of Trump-endorsed candidates, they started off with the ‘Pledge of Allegiance,’ but the ‘patriot’ leading it unfortunately doesn’t know the words.
— Ron Filipkowski ?? (@RonFilipkowski) June 28, 2022