The rats are abandoning the traitorous ship:
Former White House official Mick Mulvaney is predicting things will “get worse” from here on out for his former boss Donald Trump, after explosive testimony before the January 6 congressional subcommittee on Tuesday. In a string of tweets, Mulvaney offered his own analysis of Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony. The former White House aide alleged that Trump knew about and allowed weapons, including AR-15s, into his January 6 rally and planned on visiting the Capitol himself before the riot that broke out.
Read the full article.
My guess is that before this is over, we will be hearing testimony from Ornato, Engle, and Meadows.
This is explosive stuff. If Cassidy is making this up, they will need to say that. If she isn’t they will have to corroborate.
I know her. I don’t think she is lying.
— Mick Mulvaney (@MickMulvaney) June 28, 2022
That video is where the President lost me. We don’t “love” people who attack the Capitol to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
And there is no way the “we love you” line was in the script prepared for the video.
— Mick Mulvaney (@MickMulvaney) June 28, 2022
The Press is going to focus on some sensational revelations from today: guns, grabbing a secret service agent, etc.
But the real bomb that got dropped was the implied charge of witness tampering.
If there is hard evidence, that is a serious problem for the former President.
— Mick Mulvaney (@MickMulvaney) June 28, 2022
Cheney’s closing is stunning: they think they have evidence of witness tampering and obstruction of justice.
There is an old maxim: it’s never the crime, it’s always the coverup.
Things went very badly for the former President today. My guess is that it will get worse from here— Mick Mulvaney (@MickMulvaney) June 28, 2022