Mo Brooks: Trump Pulling His Endorsement Of Me Was His Secret Plan To Help My Campaign And It Worked

From Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks:

I had President Trump’s in the beginning, but then Mitch McConnell spent millions in TV ads attacking me. At that time it looked like our campaign was going nowhere, and sadly, President Trump pulled his endorsement.

But then a funny thing happened: Mitch McConnell quit attacking us, our campaign SURGED and we made it into the runoff.

I think President Trump knew what he was doing. He gave our campaign the kick in the pants we needed. He was like a football coach, grabbing us by the face mask, and getting us in gear.

Part of me wonders if he also knew that in pulling his endorsement, he’d bait ol’ Mitch into thinking we couldn’t win and get Mitch to stop attacking us. Whether that was the plan or not, it worked and we made it into the runoff.

MAGA Nation, join me is asking President Trump to #ReEndorseMo! McConnell is spending 3 million dollars against me in the coming days but with President Trump’s endorsement WE CANNOT LOSE.