LIVE VIDEO: New York City’s 2022 LGBTQ Pride March

New York City’s ABC News affiliate reports:

The theme for this year’s event is ‘Unapologetically Us’ and it will kick off amid new fears about the potential erosion of freedoms won through decades of activism.

The annual march takes place just two days after one conservative justice on the Supreme Court signaled, in a ruling striking down the right to abortion, that the court should reconsider the right to same-sex marriage recognized in 2015.

As anti-gay sentiments resurface, some are pushing for pride parades to return to their roots – less as blocks-long street parties but overtly civil rights marches. In response, on Saturday organizers announced that Planned Parenthood would lead the march.

Watch ABC’s official live-stream hosted by Sam Champion here or on the NYC ABC app on smart TVs.

The live-streams below are from participants and others.