From the Department of Labor:
June is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month. It was in June 1969 that the Stonewall Uprising occurred, considered by many to have sparked the modern LGBTQIA+ civil-rights movement.
Here at the Department of Labor, we rang in Pride Month by doing something that has never been done before in the history of the department — raising the Pride flag at our national office.
In this moment in history, when workers are realizing their power in myriad ways — leaving jobs that don’t provide the security, opportunity and dignity they want and deserve, and organizing —often against great odds to improve their working conditions.
Here at the department, we recognize and affirm the ability of our LGBTQIA+ sisters and brothers to also realize their power at work and to emerge from the crises of the last two years better than we entered them.
When it comes to our commitment to equity, it’s not enough to talk about it or espouse belief in principles. It’s critically important that we work to make them real every single day.
By raising the Pride flag at the department, we not only participate in a moment of celebration, we make a commitment: to the beauty of identity and the work we must do to make sure all the diversity represented on this flag is valued.
America is stronger when everyone can bring their whole selves to the workplace.
Today, for the first time ever, @USDOL proudly raised the Pride flag at our headquarters to show solidarity with the LGBTQI+ community as we continue to build a stronger, more inclusive economy.
— Secretary Marty Walsh (@SecMartyWalsh) June 10, 2022