Inside The Massive Big Money And Big Lie Operation

From an exhaustive deep dive by Reveal:

Over the last two presidential election cycles, True the Vote has raised millions in donations with claims that it discovered tide-turning voter fraud. It’s promised to release its evidence. It never has.

Instead, the Texas-based nonprofit organization has engaged in a series of questionable transactions that sent more than $1 million combined to its founder, a longtime board member romantically linked to the founder and the group’s general counsel, an investigation by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting has found.

A former PTA mom-turned-Tea Party activist, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht has played a pivotal role in helping drive the voter fraud movement from the political fringes to a central pillar in the Republican Party’s ideology.

Read the full article.

Really. Read it. The above is just the opening.

The group has the backing of Texas AG Ken Paxton, Dinesh D’Souza, and of course, Trump. Read it.

Engelbrecht first appeared on JMG back in 2016 when she claimed that “thugs with nightsticks” were going to intimidate voters at polling places.