Via press release from Nazi-haven social media site Gab:
Our culture is what we hand on to our children, but the West isn’t having children. The birth rates are down, and people are wondering why we aren’t having babies. Our men and women aren’t making big families and our communities are becoming sterile and childless.
This is a crisis that’s been building for generations. Sterility is the real climate change crisis of our time. The poles are melting but it’s not the ice caps, it’s the sex symbols.
We have trashed our sex symbols in only three generations. The icons of male and female have been ruined by equality of the sexes, and the West has become almost indistinguishable from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. We’re being terrorized by maniacal transvestites who want a genderless future.
Have you ever heard the phrase “You sound like a girl”? What is it about speech that can give away somebody’s sex? There is something in the detail of our tongue that gives it away.
We understand this on an instinctive level, but as a culture, we’ve forgotten that boys and girls are supposed to sound distinct and speak differently to each other.
Husbands marry and wives are married. This follows the pattern of Christ who redeems and marries His Bride. Christ gives His Body and Blood, and the Church receives Holy Communion.
God calls Israel to the wedding feast, and in His parable, the wise virgins trim their wicks until the Bridegroom appears to take them. The women are not running to the groom any more than mankind can run to God. He had to come to us to redeem us.
Do you see the pattern? There is active and passive in these icons. Christianity is marriage. Equality cannot exist in marriage.
Our culture is a cult of equality. The strange irony is that terms for active and passive lovers exist in homosexual slang, but not that of normal couples. I hate to say it, but the rainbow people have clearer terms for these dynamics than most straight people do.
What is it about magnets that give them their unique properties? They aren’t equal. There is a passive and active property to them, and they work on a polarity of positive and negative. Magnets either attract or repel according to their force. Opposites attract and stick. Magnets that lose their polarity lose their sticking power, just like men and women.
Drag Queen Story Hour is the Rocky Horror Picture Show for your children. It’s a linguistic sex-change program. The drag scientists want to destroy the virtue of children and their sense of sexual reality. How can we repair the damage that these “Frank-N-Furter’s” have done to the little Brad and Janets of the world?
Traditionalists need to talk ourselves out of this deadly transgendered sterility and back into our right minds as masculine and feminine creators. We must teach children to talk unequally and uniquely. If we restore the culture of opposites, we can restore the sex symbols. Our culture depends on it.
Photo: Gab founder and CEO Andrew Torba. The above piece is attributed to someone calling himself Kilts Khalfan.
This is the “thought out conclusions” of a right leaning Christian academic. What is being shown on Gab and other far right media sources
— Jacqui Herter (@jrherter) June 2, 2022