“Ex-Gay” Grifter Who Recently Confessed That He’s Still Having Sex With Men Leads Yet Another “Ex-Gay” March

The Christian Post reports:

Declaring their testimonies of how Jesus has transformed their lives, formerly LGBT-identified young men and women gathered in Washington, D.C., Saturday for the Freedom March. Gathered next to the Washington Monument for what has become an annual event in the nation’s capital, the hosts of the march continue to see the Holy Spirit doing remarkable work in the lives of people who reach out to them.

Jeffrey McCall, founder of the Freedom March, said he’s amazed by how the Lord is stirring among younger people. Since 2018, when the first march took place, their growing tribe of formerly LGBT-identified people has become especially close. “We call each other, do Bible studies together, encourage each other. It’s built a family. It’s a young family,” McCall told the Christian Post.

Read the full article.

From the Metro Weekly article I excerpted in December:

Jeffrey McCall, the founder of “ex-gay” group Freedom March, has confessed to having multiple hookups with men since last year.

McCall claims to have lived as a gay male sex worker, and then as a transgender woman named Scarlett, before renouncing his sexuality and gender identity and founding Freedom March.

But in a post last month on his Facebook page, McCall told his supporters that he had engaged in “multiple” sexual encounters with men since 2020.

From his above-cited Facebook post:

In 2020 I met someone that I was trying to help (I was helping in other ways he didn’t deal with SSA) which lead to me being unfaithful to Jesus and giving my heart away.

After denying what I wanted with him I then went on to fall sexually with a man when I felt wounded and lonely. This lead to multiple falls with men over time. (None of these men were Christians or people from ministry)

Every time I fell I would truly repent and turn away again. I would feel Gods love, mercy, and forgiveness sometimes before I could even finish the prayer. (I am not condoning this sin at all I’m just sharing what happened when I fell).

Last year McCall was featured in the Netflix “ex-gay” documentary “Pray Away” and his appearance in the film resulted in adulatory posts on Christian sites.