Buffalo’s WRFA reports:
Buffalo businessman and one-time candidate for governor, Carl Paladino, has entered the race for the 23rd Congressional District.
The Republican announced on Twitter that he has enough petitions to qualify for the Republican and Conservative lines in addition to having $500,000 cash on hand for the campaign.
Paladino announced on Friday he’d run if Congressman Chris Jacobs stepped down from the race. Jacobs abandoned his re-election campaign after expressing support for a federal assault weapons ban, which received intense backlash from GOP leaders.
Longtime JMG readers will recall Carl Paladino’s many appearances here for his racist and anti-LGBTQ statements.
Among the most notable examples is this:
Paladino, a real estate developer and ally of former President Trump, made national headlines in December 2016 when he sent racist remarks about former President Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama to local Buffalo, N.Y., outlet Artvoice. He claimed at the time that he sent the comments in error.
He said that he would like to see Michelle Obama “return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.” Paladino added that he hoped President Obama would die of mad cow disease. Paladino apologized to “the minority community” for his comments.
During his 2010 gubernatorial campaign, which was backed by NOM, Paladino accused then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo of having extramarital affairs despite his own multiple affairs, one of which resulted in a child with an employee.
In 2017, Paladino, Roger Stone, and Trump lackey Michael Caputo were sued for an anonymous flyer campaign that called a Libertarian candidate a “sick twisted pervert” who supported pedophilia.
In 2016, Paladino, then Trump’s New York state campaign chair, called for hanging a Republican convention delegate for treason because she opposed Trump’s nomination.
During the New York state battle for same-sex marriage, Paladino made so many insane anti-LGBTQ claims that it’s hardly worth cataloging them again.
One of his anti-LGBTQ speeches, it later turned out, was written by locally infamous anti-LGBTQ activist Rabbi Yahuda Levin.
Oh look, he’s got his first endorsement.
I am proud to announce my endorsement of my friend Carl Paladino in #NY23.
Carl is a job creator and conservative outsider who will be a tireless fighter for the people of New York in our fight to put America First to save the country.
?????? pic.twitter.com/n1Q7i27XN6
— Elise Stefanik (@EliseStefanik) June 3, 2022
MAKE NEW YORK GREAT AGAIN pic.twitter.com/oCyWJF01fP
— Carl Paladino (@CarlPaladinoNY) June 7, 2022