Senators Work To Overhaul 1887 Electoral Count Act

NBC News reports:

Lawmakers and experts working to prevent stolen elections are sounding the alarm about a scenario they say is both worrisome and foreseeable in 2024 should Donald Trump run: swing-state governors beholden to the former president invoking arcane powers to throw the election his way.

Such concerns have prompted a bipartisan group of senators to explore ways to address the “rogue governor” scenario as part of their efforts to overhaul the Electoral Count Act, an 1887 law that gives governors an outsize role in determining presidential winners and losers.

In 2020, dozens of people from five swing states that President Joe Biden won signed documents purporting to be “duly elected and qualified” electors and declaring that Trump was the victor. If a governor recognized what critics call “fake” electors as legitimate, Congress would be obliged to count them under several conceivable scenarios.

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