Larry Ellison Pumps $1B Into Musk’s Twitter Buyout

Axios reports:

Elon Musk just reported some new friends — equity partners for his Twitter takeover, including some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley. Musk has raised $7 billion in funding for his $44 billion purchase of Twitter, according to a filing released by the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday.

Musk said in the filing that he has secured new investments from investors including Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, Sequoia Capital, Brookfield and Fidelity, among others. Musk’s acquisition is being covered as if it were a fait accompli. But it still could fall through. The only $1 billion check comes from Larry Ellison.

Read the full article.

As you may recall, Ellison hosted Trump fundraisers and pushed Trump on a fake COVID treatment.