Christian Nationalists Hold Massive Rally: The Election Was Stolen And We’re Taking Our Nation Back [VIDEO]

“There’s one thing that I know for sure, and this is the raw truth: The raw truth was on Nov. 3, 2020, President Donald Trump won the election.

“We’re still waiting on the election to be corrected, and we’re not going anywhere. That election was rigged. It was stolen.

“But I got news for you, and I got news for you watching on television: There’s thousands of people in this room that say, ‘We’re taking our nation back!’

“There is an agenda that’s not Democrat versus Republican. The agenda that’s in our nation right now is good versus evil—and I’m not calling any party evil although you can figure out probably where I’m coming from. 

“If you’re not willing to give up your nation to a woke agenda that’s not left, it’s liberal—it’s so far liberal, it’s out to destroy the very fabric of this nation, rip your children away from your families.

“They want to educate your children. They want to take your kids from you. They don’t want you to do anything that resembles Christianity or stand up for what’s right or stand up for what’s truth.” – Gene Bailey, at a massive Christian nationalist rally at Oral Roberts University.

The rally was attended by many nationally and locally elected Republicans and candidates. Brace yourself before watching the clip starting at 3:00.