The right wing Washington Examiner reports:
American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp slammed YouTube on Thursday, calling the company “liars” after the website took down video content from half of the organization’s semiannual Conservative Political Action Conference.
He also said the ACU is “officially revoking” its “somewhat laissez-faire” approach to Big Tech, now opting for a “nuclear option” to regulate companies like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.
“We are aggressively going to be for the nuclear option on these companies. They are of no goodwill. They are not acting fairly. They lie about their policies,” Schlapp told the Washington Examiner.
Read the full article.
“We are aggressively going to be for the nuclear option on these companies. They are of no goodwill. They are not acting fairly. They lie about their policies,” American Conservative Union Chairman @mschlapp told @juliaajohnson_
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 25, 2022
Youtube’s censorship has become COMPLETELY out of hand.
Two entire days of CPAC were just ripped off the website – including my speech.
They only censor us because we speak the truth & they can’t risk the ACTUAL facts getting out!
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) March 24, 2022
Why was @CPAC ERASED from YouTube? Big Tech is absolutely out of control. They want to ERASE conservatives as if we NEVER existed. They HATE your freedom!
— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) March 25, 2022
Big Tech once again proves it is a pawn for the radical-Left.
Just last week, @YouTube censored Donald Trump’s @CPAC speech, and now they’ve removed mine. This is unacceptable. Democrats know they can’t win if Americans are informed.
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) March 21, 2022
The Big Tech overlords are at it again.@YouTube recently removed President Trump’s @CPAC
speech, in addition to speeches made by my Republican colleagues who spoke on Saturday, February 26th.Big Tech is eroding civil discourse and Americans deserve better.
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) March 24, 2022
?BREAKING? YouTube censored me again – along with dozens of conservative leaders at CPAC 2022.
Google and YouTube say it was “misinformation.” But we know they are silencing conservative free speech.
We need to fight back.
— Darrell Issa (@DarrellIssa) March 24, 2022
Big Tech is censoring Conservatives yet AGAIN.
.@YouTube removed President Trump’s @CPAC speech, and they have removed mine as well. These Big Tech Giants get more woke by the day. This is another prime example of conservative censorship.
— Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) March 23, 2022