OAN Host: The Lethal Vaccine Alters DNA In Six Hours

Media Matters has the transcript:

A new report from the U.K. proves the phony fact about how the majority of COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated is totally false.

Now, it may be hard for branch COVID-ian cultists to hear, but according to an official government report from the U.K.’s health security agency, nine out of 10 China virus deaths are in the fully vaccinated.

It’s true, and what’s worse for Fauci followers is that four out of five of those deaths are among the triple vaccinated. That’s right. Boosters won’t save you now, but there’s a good chance they could still kill you.

In addition to being totally ineffective at stopping the virus, the vaccine is also having some shocking side effects.

The researchers discovered that when the vaccine enters the liver cells, it undergoes reverse transcription, turning into spike DNA, and all of this happens less than six hours after getting the vaccine.

Why? Why is it doing this? Why is it turning into DNA? And what does it do once it becomes part of your body’s genetic code? This is not what vaccines are supposed to do. Just to be clear, vaccines do not turn into DNA when they enter your body. This is not normal.

Pearson Sharp last appeared on JMG when he claimed that Biden had ordered the bombing of a Ukraine hospital.

Before that, he appeared here when he declared that the future of America depends on millions of liberals being killed by the “deadly” COVID vaccines.

He first appeared here in December 2020 when he boasted about denying that Biden was the then president-elect.

We later heard from him when he called for executing “traitors” who deny that Trump really won the election.

Sharp’s videos were regularly posted to Trump’s official YouTube channel, back when he had one.