The New York Observer reports:
The New York Metropolitan Opera’s March 17 performance of the German opera Ariadne auf Naxos was cruising through its second act when it happened: an attendee sitting in the upper balconies screamed “You have no technique” as soprano Brenda Rae [photo] concluded an aria, temporarily setting the theater abuzz with horrified whispers.
It was a major violation of decorum. Particularly in the U.S., modern-day opera spectatorship prioritizes upstanding conduct, sophistication and generally respectful behavior at all times.
At the Met, latecomers aren’t admitted, cell phone use during performances is strictly prohibited and a strict mask mandate is still in place, all factors which made the heckler’s bellow that much more alarming.
Opera Wire reports:
The Metropolitan Opera has announced it will ban a heckler from future Met performances after his outburst during the March 17 performance of “Ariadne auf Naxos.”
The company said, “Although opera singers are vocal athletes, they should not be subjected to the kind of heckling that sports spectators get away with in stadiums. Thankfully, this was an isolated incident. Most opera-goers are opera lovers who respect the extraordinary ability and talent of our artists.
“The Met is attempting to identify the rogue audience member, who quickly exited the theater after his outburst, since he will not be allowed to attend future performances.”
An attendee sitting in the upper balconies screamed “You have no technique” as soprano Brenda Rae concluded an aria.
— Observer (@observer) March 20, 2022
Was not prepared for an asshole to scream “YOU HAVE NO TECHNIQUE” and then storm out of the show after the very well sung Zerbinettas aria.
— Elizabeth van Os (@misselizabetka) March 18, 2022
Oh yes. And then he flounced out of his box and proceeded to make fun of her in the lobby.
— Elizabeth van Os (@misselizabetka) March 18, 2022