The Huffington Post reports:
Marcel Fontaine ― who had never even been to Florida ― was suddenly on Infowars as the face of a man who killed students and teachers. Threats soon poured in, with people calling Fontaine a “crisis actor” involved in a “false flag operation” for the “deep state,” familiar buzzwords often repeated by Infowars’ hosts.
Later that year, Fontaine named Daniels, Infowars, and the program’s carnival-barker host, Alex Jones, as defendants in a defamation lawsuit. Fontaine is being represented by Texas law firm Farrar & Ball, the firm that also represents multiple Sandy Hook parents who recently won lawsuits against Jones for his lies about the 2012 school shooting.
Read the full article.
Infowars Managing Editor Kit Daniels cried during a deposition over a man he incorrectly identified as the 2018 Parkland, Florida, school shooter.
— HuffPost (@HuffPost) March 24, 2022
Daniels, who took the image of the innocent man from 4chan, had written a story a year earlier accusing the BBC of getting it’s sourcing wrong.
“BBC Falls Victim To 4Chan Trolling – The MSM Caught Sounding Like Idiots,” Daniels’ headline read.
— Sebastian Murdock (@SebastianMurdoc) March 24, 2022