Mediaite reports:
President Joe Biden was tragically felled by a slice of pizza topped with jalapeño peppers in Warsaw on Friday, Fox News contributor Charlie Hurt reported on Hannity. Biden ate pizza with soldiers and afterward met with Polish President Andrezj Duda.
As Biden spoke, he coughed and took a sip of his drink. He turned to Duda and said, “I was visiting our troops and I had pizza pie with hot peppers on it.” Then, as b-roll of Biden eating pizza aired, Hurt said, “And there he is, defeated by a slice of jalapeño pizza.”
Biden is the first president to be “defeated” by food on foreign soil since George H.W. Bush threw up on the prime minister of Japan during a dinner in Tokyo in 1992.
Read the full article.
‘Horse’s Ass’ Joe Biden ‘Defeated’ by Slice of Pizza, Says Fox News Contributor
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) March 26, 2022
Guest: There he is, defeated by a slice of jalapeño pizza
— Acyn (@Acyn) March 26, 2022