Florida Senate Approves “Don’t Say Gay” School Bill

The Associated Press reports:

The Florida Senate on Tuesday passed controversial legislation that regulates lessons about sexual orientation and gender identity in public school classrooms, despite concerns from activists and student groups that argued the bill would have a chilling impact on gay, lesbian and transgender students.

The legislation, which Florida Democrats and LGBTQ activist refer to as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, now advances to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). In recent days, DeSantis has indicated he will likely sign the legislation, saying it is designed to shield Florida’s youngest students from exposure to sensitive topics in the classroom.

Read the full article.

RELATED: Dennis Baxley last appeared on JMG in 2019 when he introduced an ultimately failed bill that would have allowed Florida teachers to instruct against “controversial” ideas like evolution and climate change. That bill was written by the anti-LGBTQ hate group, the Florida Citizens Alliance. But that wasn’t the first time an extremist group funneled a bill through Baxley. In 2005 he introduced the NRA-written “Stand Your Ground” bill that was successfully used in the murder of Trayvon Martin and just last month in the killing of a movie patron who threw popcorn at a retired cop.