“Ex-Gay” Milo Calls For Executing Homocon Dave Rubin And His Husband After They Reveal They’ll Be Fathers

First, an announcement from Rubin’s YouTube channel:

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares the ordeal of him and his husband David Janet trying to have a baby during the COVID pandemic. While heterosexual couples starting a family is easy in most instances it is not the same for a gay couple. Dave takes you through the whole sperm donor process, the egg donor process, the websites that allow you to pick a gestational surrogate, who he saw outside the fertility clinic right before COVID lockdown shut it down, and what he’s excited to join the “gay dads” club.

As you can see from just the small sampling below, Rubin is being celebrated by some right wingers but far more are hurling the usual attacks. Also below is Rubin’s 2019 defense of having Yiannopoulos on his show.