Bloomberg News reports:
The House voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to suspend normal trade relations with Russia and Belarus, preparing for President Joe Biden to enact higher tariffs on more products and further weaken the Russian economy in response to its military assault on Ukraine.
The U.S. has already taken steps to shut off the importation of Russian oil, liquefied natural gas, seafood, alcohol and diamonds. The vote on Thursday sets the stage for making it more expensive to import certain steel, aluminum and plywood items, among other goods.
The House vote was 424-8. The Senate is expected to take up the measure soon for final passage.
Read the full article.
In case anyone’s curious which eight members voted “no,” they were all Republicans. In alphabetical order:
Biggs (Ariz.)
Bishop (N.C.)
Boebert (Colo.)
Gaetz (Fla.)
Greene (Ga.)
Grothman (Wis.)
Massie (Ky.)
Roy (Texas)— Steve Benen (@stevebenen) March 17, 2022